Peaceful Mornings

There’s something about early mornings that you just cannot describe. They’re solitary. They’re quiet.

They’re yours.

Just think about it. Our days are hardly ours any longer, are they? They belong to our family members. They belong to our offices. They belong to our children.

But early mornings? Early mornings are yours and yours alone. A time in the day when the world quietens down enough for you to think and breathe freely.

I usually get up half an hour earlier than I have to for office. And in this half an hour, I do whatever calms me down. On winter mornings, I hold a hot cup of lemon and honey water in my hand and melt in its warmth. Enjoying its sweet and tangy taste wakes me up as efficiently as caffeine. When the day ahead seems to be too much, I read a book and delve into the alternate world created within the walls of its pages. When my head seems to be too full of thoughts, I meditate to clear it up. And on the days my head doesn’t work at all, I sip through a cup of strong black coffee, waiting for the caffeine to slowly awake my senses.

No matter what I decide to do, I always peer at glimpses of the sky out of the gap between our curtain and the window. It’ll never stop being a wonder to me how the world outside changes from a quiet, sleepy dawn to a bright new day buzzing with life in a matter of a few minutes.

Sunrise dawn
The first rays of the sun

The world is like a band whose music is orchestrated by the sky.  When the sky is dark, the world buzzes with silence. It’s a strange sound. Like a faint ring in your ear. As the sky gets painted in notes of red, purple and pink, the chirps of the birds and moos of the cow interject the ring of silence. That’s when you life has started awakening. And by the time the first rays of orange hued sunlight touches the ground, you start hearing the roar of the cars and motorcycles.

Sun coloring the sky in hues of orange

Perhaps that’s what early mornings are— a gentle song which slowly wakes up our senses. Slowly increasing in sound to extricate us from the abstract world of our dreams. Slowly increasing in light so that our eyes can open gradually.

Yes, that’s what early mornings are all about— a song that the earth wakes up to every morning, orchestrated and synchronized by the sun…

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